Quickly multiply your LinkedIn endorsement powers by inviting people with this personal link - your powers will be multiplied as many times as the number of people you invite: https://www.thetopperson.com/ambassador_application.php?a=1706
Thank you for your interest and congratulations - you are now The TOP Person Ambassador!
Please remember that everything in our free ambassador program is voluntary – only do the things you want to do and support the posts you want to be associated with.
On this platform you will find everything you need and these instructions will explain how you receive support for your posts, earn points and boost your profile.
The functions of our platform are explained here briefly and in detail when you follow the corresponding link.
I personally think that The TOP Person Ambassador program works, as I received a total of over 12 million views for a TOP Person article and many high-quality connections with the support from my fellow ambassadors and this platform.
If you want to understand on an even more abstract and deeper level than in this instruction how you can benefit from the TOP Person Ambassador program, I recommend clicking here and reading my article “The Sure and Free Way to Boost Your Success”.
Support requests are the core activity of the TOP Person Ambassador program.
Within seconds, you can request support for any social media post from 4323 fellow Ambassadors with 37.1+ million followers in total.
Today, popularity equals with credibility. Of course, it is not so, but that is what most people think – that is their reality, and there is no point in fighting it.
You may have the best offering and interesting content, but the biggest problem is that the right decision makers do not know your offering or name.
Thus, they cannot offer you opportunities. This is the awareness problem, and it has existed since the dawn of time.
By receiving support from your fellow ambassadors, you can tackle the awareness problem and boost your visibility on social media.
Whatever your cause is, it will get the visibility it deserves with the help of The TOP Person ambassador program.
The support request service will give you the competitive edge you need to win those opportunities.
Keep in mind that it is always best to post content of high quality in your domain.
Please study and follow the instructions carefully for maximum visibility and success.
Post content on your social media profile.
Please note that when you post content that other ambassadors love to engage with you will be more likely to get support from them.
If you do not have enough high-quality content, you are free to use The TOP Person content, which is branded and very popular.
You can find it on the CONTENT TO POST page.
Note that only the comments, likes, and shares your post receives in the first 60 minutes after publishing, will increase the number of people the social media post algorithm will show your post to.
The algorithm can have a big impact because it uses a multiplier method.
Any engagement your post receives after the first 60 minutes is not getting help from the social media post algorithm but will spread of course to the followers of the engaged person.
Posting is totally voluntary, but if you decide to post, please leave a gap of at least five hours between postings, otherwise the algorithm will punish you.
If you want support for your old post, please republish the entire post. This is because the LinkedIn algorithm does not take into account actions that happen later than the crucial first 60 minutes after posting.
So asking for support via the ambassador platform for an old link will not have the desired boosting impact.
So if you want to get more views for your old post, simply republish the entire post and then ask for support via the TOP Person platform.
This way, the social media algorithm will treat the post as new. The social media algorithm does not look at the content of your post, so it does not punish you for it.
You can get people to react and spread The TOP Person materials by posting them on your LinkedIn profile.
As a result, you will receive messages and connection requests from higher-quality people; at least that is what happened to me - I received over 12 million readers and a lot of high-quality connections by posting a Top Person article.
We have ranked our ambassadors by the ratio of The TOP Person posts to non-The TOP Person posts for which they have requested support.
If an ambassador's ratio is 20% or better, The TOP Person will recommend his or her support requests in e-mail notifications and on the ambassador platform.
In addition, we only send email notifications of support requests from RECOMMENDED ambassadors.
The reason for the RECOMMENDED status is that their email notifications are rarely unsubscribed when compared to non-recommended ambassadors.
Currently, you are not a RECOMMENDED Ambassador. You can become a RECOMMENDED Ambassador by posting and asking support for 3 The TOP Person content posts.
When posting and requesting support through our platform, keep your ratio of The TOP Person content to your other content positive so that at least one in five posts is The TOP Person content. In doing so you stay RECOMMENDED.
Hashtags are important because if they are defined correctly, LinkedIn can find and match people interested in your post.
The best use of hashtags is to select 1-4 popular hashtags that best reflect the content of your post and have them in order of importance.
Note that you should not use more than 3-4 hashtags per post so that the LinkedIn algorithm does not consider your content as spam.
Please click here to find our list of the most popular hashtags in the LinkedIn.
On your LinkedIn post click the ... menu icon in its top right corner and click Copy link to post.
Go to The TOP Person ambassador platform and click on the SUPPORT REQUESTS in the top menu.
If you are sharing The TOP Person or Teacher article, please choose the author of the article from the drop-down list.
If you are sharing other The TOP Person or Teacher content, please choose The TOP Person or Teacher from the drop-down list.
If you share other content, choose non-Top Person/Teacher from the drop-down list.
Please note that each support request will be reviewed. So, if you choose an author for your other content, you will not receive any additional points.
Paste and enter the URL of your social media post in the form field and click on the “submit” icon.
There is a link to check if the URL you submitted is OK.
If not, there is a link to cancel it. Please do the check because people will not be so eager to support your posts in the future if you are wasting their time.
After you have asked support from your fellow ambassadors, please like your post.
If you do not let your network know about your post, it is not encouraging for others to do so.
Tagging drives comments to your post and comments are valuable for social media algorithms to measure how widely they should spread your post.
The platform suggests 200 people for you to tag to your post in form of quick tags.
The quick tag list is created according to your time zone and to make your life easier.
Please note that you need to activate each tag. When the tag is active, the @sign disappears and the tag changes color.
If you are unsure how to activate tags, please click here to see the video on how to do it.
If you are an admin of The TOP Person LinkedIn Company pages, there is a link to boost your post and earn points with them.
In the next section, I will explain how to boost your engagement power and earn admin rights for The TOP Persons LinkedIn Company pages.
There are three easy ways to earn engagement points: by supporting others through our platform, by following The TOP Person Company pages, and by tagging people in posts on ongoing campaigns.
Here I will first explain why these actions are important, and then how to take them and earn points.
So far, you have 148 points today and 1,350 points this month.
The first positive benefit for you is the goodwill value you receive when you help others.
When you support others, they want to return the favor. In this way, helping others turns into mutual support.
If you do this often enough and stay consistent, you will build a positive reputation among the people you interact with, as well as their followers.
If you only ask for support but never pay back, people will not be willing to help you.
When you stay active and earn points via engaging on The TOP Person platform, you will rank higher in the daily ranking.
The more active you are, the more likely you are also to appear in the frequently updated QUICK TAG LIST according to your time zone.
The TOP 200 active ambassadors in each time zone will appear in the quick tag lists.
It is beneficial for you to be tagged in posts by others because every time you are tagged by others, the LinkedIn algorithm sees you as an influencer and increases your influencer value.
If you stay active and make it into the monthly TOP 20 ranking, you will be rewarded with more The TOP Person LinkedIn Company Pages.
Each page boosts your engagement power and makes you an even stronger influencer.
However, if you did not make the TOP 20 this month, your active participation will earn you points to rank higher in the quick tag list.
You will find The TOP Person engagement points plus your daily and monthly ranking on the ACTIVITY RANKING page. In addition, you can see how your fellow ambassadors are ranking.
This is the engagement point table we use to rank ambassadors by the actions they take:
Engagement with a post sent to you by our support request service:
1 engagement point - Engagement with a post after 60 minutes of its publication
2 engagement points - Engagement with a post within 60 minutes of its publication
Engagement your post receives via our support request service:
1 engagement point - Engagement your post has received after 60 minutes of its publication
2 engagement points - Engagement your post has received within 60 minutes of its publication
Engage with an engagement your post has received via our support request service:
1 engagement point - Engage with engagement your post has received after 60 minutes of its publication
2 engagement points - Engage with engagement your post has received within 60 minutes of its publication
Engagement your engagement receives via our support request service:
1 engagement point - Engagement your engagement has received after 60 minutes of its publication
2 engagement points - Engagement your engagement has received within 60 minutes of its publication
Publishing a post and asking for its support via the support request service:
1 engagement point - non-The TOP Person post
10 engagement points - The TOP Person material post
20 engagement points - The TOP Person Ambassador program post
Engage in Tagging Campaigns;
2 engagement points per predefined person you tag to a predefined post
50 engagement points per one tagging batch of 25 LinkedIn users
You can earn up to 400 engagement points a day if you tag all 8 batches of 25 LinkedIn users
Follow The TOP Person Company pages:
2 engagement points for each page - There are 611 pages to follow
The TOP Person ambassadors enjoy the opportunity to build a Sphere of Influence using the platform.
If you want hundreds of ambassadors to support your posts so that the LinkedIn Post algorithm spreads them to a wide audience, engage with support requests of hundreds of your fellow ambassadors through our ambassador platform on the SUPPORT REQUESTS page.
They will all receive email notifications reminding to return the favor whenever you request for support.
Engaging in the Sphere of Influence will multiply the engagement points each person receives.
Your Sphere of Influence starts fresh on the first day of every month - so you can spend a month building up and enjoying the results of your massive Sphere of Influence.
Also, if you have not interacted with your Sphere of Influence for a month, is it really your Sphere of Influence?B. HOW?
You will receive engagement points for supporting other ambassadors via The TOP Person platform.
Responding to support requests from other ambassadors is a good way to collect engagement points.
Comment, share, and like their posts with your LinkedIn profile and with The TOP Person LinkedIn Company pages where you are an admin.
Please note that you will only receive The TOP Person ambassador points if you support posts via our platform.
Otherwise, we cannot count the points due to the restrictions of LinkedIn's terms and conditions.
Note that the LinkedIn post algorithm respects comments over other engagements. Comments are therefore the most valuable.
The next best action is to like posts. Sharing is the least valuable of these actions, but we recommend engaging in all three ways.
There are three ways to get notified about the support requests.
The first is to use the support requests page, the second is to enable browser notifications, and the third is to receive email notifications.
Use all of them or set your own preferences.
On the SUPPORT REQUESTS page, you will find a list of the latest support requests.
Just click on a fellow ambassador's name and comment, like and share their latest post and you will earn engagement points.
Please accept browser notification requests from The TOP Person Ambassador platform when your browser asks for your permission, because then you will receive a silent, non-disturbing desktop notification of the latest support requests every 3 minutes, no matter what you are doing with your computer, as long as you have our ambassador platform open in a tab of your web browser.
The desktop notifications will only appear if you have the ambassador platform open in a tab of your web browser.
If you have turned off the notifications, you can turn them back on in the settings or preferences of your browser.
Please note that we are an active community of 4323 people and therefore you will receive quite many support requests from your fellow ambassadors to your email address.
Currently, you are unsubscribed. Click here to receive support requests to your email inbox.
In case you do not want to receive email notifications, you can also click the unsubscribe link at the end of each email notification, above or on the SUPPORT REQUESTS page of our ambassador platform.
Do not worry about unsubscribing, as you will still be able to see the support requests from your fellow ambassadors on the SUPPORT REQUESTS page of our ambassador platform.
You can also re-subscribe the email notifications on the SUPPORT REQUESTS page or above whenever you want.
In case you want to change the email address to which you will receive email notifications, please change it on the SUPPORT REQUESTS page.
The LinkedIn Post algorithm treats engagements by LinkedIn user profiles and LinkedIn Company Pages equally.
In fact, LinkedIn constantly encourages admins of LinkedIn Company Pages to use them for engagements with LinkedIn posts.
Unfortunately, the average LinkedIn user does not know how to engage with the LinkedIn Company Pages. Our platform makes it very easy for our ambassadors to use LinkedIn Company Pages and their followers to boost LinkedIn Posts.
The TOP Person has 611 local LinkedIn Company Pages around the globe, covering all countries and major metropolitan areas.
Followers of LinkedIn Company Pages really matter if you have enough of them, as they too can engage in meaningful amounts with the LinkedIn posts you engage with, just like the connections of your personal LinkedIn profile.
As of March 18, 2021, our LinkedIn Company Pages had 621,591 followers and our goal is to have an average of 2,000 followers per page. When the goal is reached, our ambassadors will have a total of 1.2 million LinkedIn Company Page followers to further boost their LinkedIn Posts.
Please help us increase the followers of our LinkedIn Company Pages by clicking LINKEDIN PAGES in the top menu to follow them.
For every LinkedIn Company Page you follow, you earn 2 engagement points, totaling 1,222 engagement points.
By following our LinkedIn Company Pages the LinkedIn algorithm will see that they are constantly receiving new followers.
As a result, the LinkedIn algorithm will offer our LinkedIn Company Pages to other LinkedIn users, which will greatly increase the number of followers of our LinkedIn Company Pages - we have only 2286 ambassadors but 621,591 LinkedIn Company Page followers.
On the TAGGING page, you will find our ongoing tagging campaigns.
When you participate in a campaign by tagging predefined people to predefined posts, you earn 2 activity points for each predefined person you tag.
Tags are given in batches of 25 LinkedIn users, and you can tag up to 200 people, 8 batches per day, and earn up to 400 points per day and 12,400 points per month.
Tagging 200 people is quick - I, Christian Dillstrom, tag that many people in just 14 minutes.
Please note that LinkedIn's daily tagging limit is about 200 tags per day. In case you reach this limit, LinkedIn will not allow you to post new messages or save old messages that you have edited with your LinkedIn profile until the next morning. Therefore, the daily tagging limit is one of the most harmless restrictions LinkedIn has.
If you have reached the daily tagging limit with your LinkedIn profile, you can still keep on posting with LinkedIn Company Pages where you are an administrator.
Connect with other ambassadors in different social media, give and receive LinkedIn Skills Endorsements and Recommendations to be more credible. You can do this on the PROFILE BOOSTING page.
Remember – helping others increases your goodwill value, so mutual support is appreciated.
Sushant, please click here and join The TOP Person Ambassadors group on LinkedIn to meet other ambassadors and post or share with them anything you like.
Whenever you have any questions, click here to book a The TOP Person Ambassador's Q&A teleconference.